Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I made it through five days on Letrozole without any problems (other than being extremely irritable on Friday). No headaches, nausea, or hot flashes... much better than Clomid. Well, that is until this morning. I have started spotting. It is more than typical spotting for me, but not quite period bleeding volume (TMI, I know). I called the doctor and the nurse said that she hadn't heard of that happening and so she asked the other nurses who all said the same thing. So, she said that she would talk to the doctor and get back to me. When she called back she said that the doctor hadn't heard of that as a side effect, but we will just continue on course. They just want me to call when I get a positive OPK. I asked if the spotting would be an indication that my estrogen isn't increasing the way it should (makes logical sense) and the nurse told me not to worry, just continue with the plan. Seriously?

Am I being too much of a hypochondriac or does it seem silly that they wouldn't want me to get my estrogen levels checked or do a follicle check this month? If it is something that the nurses and my doctor have never heard of happening, wouldn't it warrant further investigation. I don't particularly want to spend the extra money to have testing done, but I really don't want to waste a vial of sperm and an IUI if this cycle is blown. I am not entirely sure what to do or how to feel about this. Kristen was pretty upset and freaked out. I think she feels like we should have more information before we just proceed as planned.

Folks in blogland... any thoughts on the subject???


  1. Ooo...hmm..I have no knowledge so I won't tell you what to do or not do, but I'd be concerned that there isn't more information before you decide what to do. Maybe Dr Google is worth something after all? Sorry you're dealing with this!

  2. I googled it and there isn't any good info about it. There are some message boards that people have said that is has happened to them. Some of them say that their doctor said their estrogen was too low and that it wasn't their month. Other people say that their doctor said it was no concern. I am not sure what to do.

    All of the info on Letrozole is geared to the label use which is treating breast cancer. Because fertility is an off-label use, there is no info.

  3. Always better to err on the side of caution....I would get the estrogen test and also while they check for the follicles make sure they get a good look at the cervicle lining to make sure there are no fibroids or polyps. Tommie had a pre period spotting problem caused by fibroids/polyps. Sometimes she would spot up to 2 1/2 weeks before her period.

  4. This is pre-ovulation spotting. I've done a lot of message-board looking and googling and have found nothing consistent. Although many women experience unusual spotting while they're on Femara or Clomid, none of their doctors say anything similar: "Oh that's fine," "That means you won't ovulate," "That means you'll have a robust ovulation!"

    Ashley is probably fine, but I do wonder about committing to a cycle this month without knowing more about what's going on!

