Monday, October 22, 2012

Bit the bullet

After six months without baby making progress, I finally bit the bullet and bought a vial of sperm today.  Kristen and I have been talking about it for the past two months and we decided that we will try this month.  I should ovulate on either the 30th or the 31st so I am going to have the vial delivered on Friday.  We are going to do a "DIY IUI."  Sounds like fun, huh? 

Anyway, I am trying to remain calm and level headed, but as soon as I hit the "confirm" button on the cryobank website I could feel my body start to get stressed.  I am going to work very hard at meditation, yoga, and trying to stay zen.  We shall see...

I hope everyone is having a great October!  I am pretty stoked about the amazing fall I have had.  I am looking forward to a few more months of relaxation before I go back to school. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So excited for you guys. We have decided to put baby making on hold and actually made the decision to put our names back on the list to foster-adopt another baby. I had a moment a few weeks ago when I was watching Maddy playing in the back yard all by himself. He needs a sibling and I wanted to start thinking about his needs before mine. We are going to be very picky this time so we hopefully don't have the emotional roller coaster of court battles and such. So, here we go!
