Tuesday, October 23, 2012


As I said in our post yesterday, we are planning on doing an IUI at home this month.  We have all of our supplies, but I am wondering if anyone that has done it has step by step instructions, pointers, or even resources that we can access.  We have some friends that were taught to do the IUI by a midwife, but I would love as much info as possible. 

Thanks for your help!  Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. An actual IUI? Like, through the cervix? Or an ICI (where you use a syringe to get the sperm as close to the cervix as possible, but not actually inside it)? Because I would personally not feel comfortable doing an IUI without being shown how first--the cervix is a teeny little pathway and it hurts if you get poked there. For an ICI you can decide whether to use a speculum or just to put the syringe in up as close as you can. The speculum lets you see what you're doing (with a headlamp!) but there's a possibility that it might pull some of the sperm out with it when you remove it. Up to you. We only did an at-home ICI once (and it didn't work), so I don't know that my advice is so hot. If you stop over on the mothering dot com queer conceptions board they will be able to give you lots of detailed advice.
    Good luck!

  2. I agree with above about the IUI. My partner and I just used a small syringe from Walgreens for the baby medicine and I inserted it. No special way. She then laid with her hips and legs up for about ten minutes and it worked for us both times. First was a miscarrage and second is our one year old son. Best of luck!

  3. Yes, we would do the IUI at home. We did three ICIs at home last year and they didn't work. Our doctor had said almost a year ago that an IUI is very easy and there is no reason why we couldn't do it at home. I have watched some youtube videos and read about it, but I was just curious if anyone had any firsthand experience with the at home IUI. Can't be rocket science... and it sure isn't worth $350 that we pay at the doctors!
